Friday, March 28, 2008

Creating a Cheat Seat for Labor and Birth

Many partners ask me if they can use a cheat sheet during labor. And why wouldn’t you?

  • Keep it simple. If you’re creating your own cheat sheet, have it be something you can stuff in a pocket. Take a small notebook and put pictures and notes to yourself you can flip through. Or modify the handouts you’re given in your childbirth classes so you can find the information you need quickly.

  • Tailor it to the laboring woman. If you know she doesn’t like massages and doesn’t like being touched, don’t put massage techniques on your cheat sheet. Ideally, you’ve taken the Match Game with me or have talked to your partner about what comfort techniques she wants from you in labor.

  • Feel free to put drawings or cut outs of positions of on it. Here’s a good site with positions for labor.

  • Include notes to yourself so you don’t forget things. Good examples include:
  1. After a position change, contractions often hurt worse. Try a new position for 2 or 3 contractions before quitting.
  2. Keep moms cool with water and cool compresses
  3. Protect the space with music and dim lights
  4. Remind her (and you) to breathe
  5. Never underestimate the power of a hug

Bottom line: It’s your cheat sheet. Tailor it to both of you!

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