Friday, March 28, 2008

Comfort Techniques List

So what is she going to like during labor? The easy answer is she’ll like the things she likes during life to deal with stress and pain. If she likes taking long showers, she’ll like showers during labor. If she likes walking when she’s stressed, walking may be extremely helpful during labor. Here’s a list of other comfort techniques she may like. Have her pick out a few for you to put on your cheat sheet. Don't plan on just using one comfort technique. Have a bunch you can rotate through.

Don’t feel limited by this list either—feel free to use whatever comfort techniques you want.

Hydrotherapy (water)
  • Shower (make sure your birthing facility has showers you can use)
  • Bath (make sure your birthing facility has bath tubs or birthing pools)
  • Music
  • Moaning/Chanting/Singing
  • Humming
  • Prayers


  • Dim lights
  • Focal Points
  • Closing eyes


  • Hand massage
  • Foot massage
  • Back massage
  • Belly massage
  • Cool compresses
  • Heating Pads
  • Ice packs


  • Slow breathing (in and out, focusing on breathing)
  • Panting (fast breathing)
  • Paced breathing (he…he…he…ho…)


  • Walking
  • Slow dancing/Swaying
  • Birthing Balls
  • Positions (bring pictures of the ones she wants to use)


  • Visualization/Meditations
  • You! (Never underestimate the power of a partner’s presence)

Leave any other ideas in the comment section!

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