Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tips of the Week

These come from coaches who have just been in the trenches.

One dad commented that the he…he…he…ho breathing really helped his wife through labor. He also said getting close to her face and making her look him in the eyes really helped too. Just so everyone’s aware, sometimes it takes a little while to get an epidural—it took this mom 2 hours. So that was 2 hours that she really, really needed her coach’s support. And it sounds like he did a great job!

A new grandmother who was the coach for her daughter’s birth commented that encouragement was the most important thing she did. This birth was a long and difficult one. The grandmother also said it’s important to be prepared for all potential variations of the birth, like a cesarean. She highly recommends coaches talk to the moms before birth about various “what if” scenarios, just in case they happen.

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